If it is not saved in one of the above locations, the forwarder channel will just return to the main system menu. For example, the Visual Boy Advance Forwarder Channel requires you download the homebrew application from here, and save it to at least one of the following locations: So forwarder channels also require you to download that homebrew application and save it to at least one of the paths specified. If you've installed a forwarder channel, it will launch the application under the paths I've specified. (Note: YAWMM & MMM support batch installing and uninstalling files) Browse your device for the wad/channel you want to install, then hit "A" twice to install it. Choose the SD card or the USB2 device (depending where you saved the wads). Choose to leave Nand Emulation Disabled. When you start Wad Manager, choose a fakesigned IOS to use to install other IOSs (249 or 36 are common choices).

Make sure you've saved WadManager in the following place Open your preferred Wad Manager via the homebrew channel

Copy the filename.wad to SD:\WAD (or USB:\WAD) (at very least changing the forwarder or adding a splash screen),īut they were created by combinations of other peoples work. Note that all my channels have been modified by me in some shape or form

Update: added alternate fceugx and snes9xgx forwarder channels.Update: Added fix for Mplayer_CE forwarder channels (look inside the MPlayer_CE spoiler for details).Update: Updated Neogamma AutoMod Channel to r8RC2 (old version was based on r8RC1).Update: Updated Neogamma AutoMod Channel to r8RC3 (old version was based on r8RC2).Update: Added Wad Manager Forwarder Channel and WiiXplorer Forwarder Channel.MaUpdate: Updated Neogamma AutoMod Channel to r8RC3* (old version was based on r8RC3).MaUpdate: Updated Neogamma AutoMod Channel to r8-Final (old version was based on r8RC3*).MaUpdate: Added Triiforce forwarder channel and fixed the audio for the fceugx and visual boy advanced forwarder channels.USBLoader - new to this list (same as the one supplied in ModMii).Thanks to Narolez for the NForwarder code and to FIX94 for helping me compile it. They are also able to launch apps with arguments and direct hardware access from and SD card and a FAT32/NTFS Hard Drive (note, if trying to boot an app from an NTFS hard drive but the app doesn't support NTFS results will vary). DecemUpdate: Updated the following channels to v3 - these forwarders require IOS58 and boot using USB2.0 speeds.